Ahmet Bozoglan Dituntut Delapan Tahun Penjara dan Denda 100 Juta
Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Utara pada hari ini (Rabu, 24 Juni 2015) menggelar sidang tuntutan untuk warga negara Turki yang ditangkap di Parigi Moutong Sulawesi Selatan karena hendak bergabung dengan kelompok…
Tolak Semua Tuntutan, Ustadz Afif “Kutuk” Jaksa Penuntut Umum
Harmoni 22 Juni 2015; Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Pusat kembali menggelar sidang perkara tindak pidana terorisme atas nama Aries Raharjo alias Afif Abdul Majid alias Ustadz Afif dengan agenda pembacaan nota…
Terlibat Pelatihan Militer Aceh dan ISIS, Ustadz Afif Dituntut 8 Tahun Penjara
Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Pusat pada Senin 08 Juni 2015 kembali menggelar sidang tuntutan untuk terdakwa Aries Raharjo alias Afif Abdul Majid alias Ustadz Afif di ruang sidang utama dengan agenda…
National Database
We create a national database on terrorism and radicalism. It is a one-stop repository for information on the current and emerging terrorist threats in Indonesia. The database focuses on terrorism…
Radical School
We research radical pesantrens in Indonesia whose alumnies have been involved in terrorist actitivies. To be clear, radical pesantrens are Islamic boarding schools which are privately funded and administered…
Radical Individuals
We research the individuals linked to Indonesian terrorist and radical groups. The individuals we’ve researched are convicted terrorists and active members–including foot soldiers and sympathizers–of terrorist and radical groups…
Radical Media
We monitor around 250 Indonesian radical media and thousands of radical social media accounts daily. Through this program we collect, monitor, and translate/transcribe information from the Indonesian radical media and…
Group Dynamics
We conduct researches on the group dynamics of Indonesian terrorist and radical groups. Knowing the dynamics of the groups is essential if we want to know how to stir a…
Contact Us
If you have questions about our programs, reports or staff, please send us an email to: [email protected]